RealTimes with RealPlayer Windows 7/8 torrent download

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A new way to share photos and videos

RealTimes is an application that automatically creates presentations from your photos and videos. This application makes it easy to share finished videos by storing them in the cloud. When work is done for you, you can customize the photos and videos you want to use and more.

Do something with these images yourself (function () {(‘browse-page-page-desktop’);});

The problem that RealTimes is trying to solve is the release of pictures and videos taken on your phone or computer. We take lots of photos with our phones, but how many of them are actually shared?

RealTimes eliminates the stress of creating photos and videos that you can share with your friends. The app uses Real algorithms, which scan your photos to choose the best ones. Blurry, dark, or repetitive photos aren’t ignored, so your presentation is just the best. I’ve found that the algorithm works well for the most part, but it’s enjoyable, not including really good frames. Fortunately, they can also be manually added. If you don’t like what RealTimes did for the first time, you can press the Remix button to customize this story.

There are also video filters in the app, but they’re all scary. It’s best to add your filters from Instagram or VSCO Cam before using them to create stories about RealTimes.

RealTimes also has aspects of social networking. Your friends and family will be notified when you upload photos, videos or create new stories. Fortunately, RealTimes does not force users to subscribe. You can still share Realtime stories with your friends who don’t have an account. Facebook history sharing appears as an embedded video playing there on your friends timeline.

During my history test, the RealTimes story worked perfectly on my device. You do not need to export your video in specific format. The application automatically converts video to any platform using RealPlaier technology.

One good thing about RealTimes is that it removes all your photos and videos, including the ones you forgot. This makes reviewing old photos fun and hitting with your friends.

Free to use, but best with subscription

RealTimes is free to use and free with 2GB cloud storage and is limited to 30 second stories. Users can get an additional 5GB of storage to enable automatic in-app submissions. This feature automatically uploads all your photos and videos to the cloud and automatically converts to Stories. You can customize each story before sharing, adding your own music, changing the transition effect or changing photos and videos.

Subscriptions will give you more memory and options. A $ 5 monthly subscription gives you 25GB of cloud storage and $ 10 a month for unlimited storage. Customers also get the chance to create Stories again.

For those who don’t want to pay monthly, there is an in-app app for $ 1 to unlock the ability to add more photos, edit music, and remove RealTimes watermarks. You don’t unlock everything as a subscription, but it has more features.

Talking about music, a ton of musicadd-ons are included in the app, but you can add your own music if you like. You can also vote for your own video. During my test, RealTimes for Android kept crashing when I tried to add my music, but I was using the older version.

Another problem I found was that it took longer to get out of the Story. I created a four-minute story that I needed to export to my iPad.

Easy to organize photos and videos

RealTimes aims to help you organize your photos on your computer, tablet or phone, and it works. Whether you need RealTimes or not, it comes down to your social presence. If you enjoy sharing photos and videos with your friends on Facebook, RealTimes is great. If you are more personal and usually like to see your photos, you should not take advantage of what RealTimes has to offer. Google + also offers similar features to its users for free, making RealTimes a hard sell for some people.

By automating organizations and sharing photos and videos, RealTimes helps social butterflies share their content without much difficulty. No need to worry about tapping each photo or organizing an album for sharing.

If you have lots of photos and videos and don’t know what to do with it, RealTimes is a great tool to help you organize and share.

RealTimes with RealPlayer

Posted on February 22, 2020